
Two Bedroom Apartments for sale in Wroclaw

Apartments consisting of two bedrooms and a living room are gaining in popularity every year. Relatively low supply (compared to studios and "two rooms") combined with high demand mean that Hamilton May is always happy to offer them.

Two bedroom apartments for sale in Wrocław

The typical buyer of a two bedroom apartment is a growing family that has so far rented a studio apartment or a one-bedroom apartment. Often one person from the couple was the owner of a smaller or older apartment, which is why the couple decided to take a step up the property ladder. This, in turn, makes investors see two-bedroom apartments as a safe investment.

Apartments with three rooms, two of which serve as bedrooms, have a standard area of 60 to 80 meters, although recently developers have started to offer apartments in this configuration with a slightly smaller size - 50 to 60 meters. Some of the older blocks in Wrocław have apartments with such a layout of rooms, but they are smaller than modern standards dictate. Occasionally, larger apartments in this configuration can be found in historic tenement houses - they usually reach an area of ​​80 to 100 square meters.

Contact us if you need professional help in buying an apartment in Wrocław.

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