
Apartments for rent - Grabiszyn, Wrocław

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Grabiszyn is often associated with Grabiszynski Park, the green lungs of the city. This subdistrict is situated along Grabiszynska Street and Hallera Avenue.

Rental market in Grabiszyn

The area is popular with a variety of tenants, including students, working professionals and expats. Rental prices are lower than in very centre of the city and are generally around the average in Wroclaw. As always, rental prices will depend on the location and quality of the apartment.

Property in Grabiszyn

Residential buildings in Grabiszyn are mainly blocks form 60's and 70's, however, in recent years Grabiszyn has seen a big increase in modern developments being built. Their standard easily matches this of City Centre developments. Grabiszyn, thanks to its location, can be a great alternative to more expensive parts of Wroclaw, while still offering a very good connection to Centre and other districts.

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