
Properties for sale: 400 000 - 1 000 000 PLN

The most popular price segment among Hamilton May customers ranges from PLN 400,000 to PLN 1,000,000. These are mainly two- and three-room apartments in a higher standard and new buildings. We focus mainly on these areas:

  • Kępa Mieszczańska
  • Downtown
  • Nadodrze
  • Old Town
  • Grabiszyn
  • Biskupin
  • Screaming

Apartments for sale in Wrocław - price range

The secondary market in Wrocław offers thousands of apartments for sale in the range of 400,000 - 1,000,000. Therefore, buyers with this budget have a lot to choose from. For this price, we will buy an investment micro-apartment in a top location, but also a functional two-room apartment. The market also offers a very wide selection of ready-to-live three-room apartments, which are still difficult to find on the rental market. If we are looking a bit further from the center, we can even afford four- and five-room apartments up to a million zlotys, but then we have to accept a slightly lower standard and longer commuting

If you own an apartment at this price and want to sell it, our agents may have clients looking for apartments like yours.

Looking for a property for sale between PLN 400,000 and PLN 1,000,000? Check out our suggestions.

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