Green House
Green House - discreet office building in a green neighborhood
Green House - discreet office building in a green neighborhood
Hamilton May presents an office complex in Ochota. This elegant building is situated in the vicinity of a park and offers around 3000 m2 of office space.
Green House was finished in 1993 and has been entirely renovated in 2006. The typical floorspace of one level is 1110 m2. Tenants also have access to outdoor parking spots - parking ratio factor: one spot for each 39m2 of floorspace.
This high standard A-class building offers: air conditioning, suspended ceilings, elevated floors, carpeting and openable windows, as well as 24/7 security. Green House is a low building (3 overground levels), surrounded by greenery, which guarantees discreet and comfortable work environment.
Green House is situated in the vicinity of Żwirki i Wigury street - one of the city’s main thoroughfares connecting the center with the international Chopin Airport. The neighborhood is one of the fastest developing areas of Warsaw and offers access to numerous services and shops, as well as residential and commercial properties.